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The modern office is becoming an extension of a company’s culture, values and sustainability ethics. It’s no longer just a physical space, but a reflection of who we are and what we stand for.
Mitchell Jones
Co-Founder and Creative Director at Made For


Destination: Workplace (Sustainability)
Build a sustainable business

Growing awareness and emphasis on workplace sustainability is changing the modern workplace. Stakeholder expectations have evolved, and our workplaces are undergoing lasting changes to prioritise sustainability.

We’ve spoken with top workplace sustainability experts globally to uncover the secrets of building a sustainable workplace, including how workplaces can reduce their environmental footprint and build a robust sustainability competitive advantage.


How does Lavazza promote sustainable coffee?

Discover Lavazza’s commitment to being a sustainable coffee supplier.


Destination: Workplace

Discover the secrets of top workplace experts in our first issue of Destination: Workplace and how you can tap into its benefits for your organisation.


Get in touch

Lavazza Business Solutions can create a high-quality, sustainable coffee solution for your workplace. Get in touch to discover what we can do for your business.